SRM Institute of Science and Technology-Ramapuram campus

Faculty of Science and Humanities

Department of Computer Science and Applications



Date: 21.06.2024

Time: 10.00 am to 11.00 am

Venue: Gallery Hall 4

Dr J Dhilipan, HoD/CSA, VP- Admin (S & H) Welcomed the gathering and emphasized the importance of practicing Yoga and its benefits.

Dr S Uma Shankari, Associate Professor/BCA introduced the resource persons.

Resource Person 1: Mrs. Vimala Jayachandran, Professor, Sky yoga centre, World community Service Centre, Chennai

Started the session by mentioning the relationship between body and Mind.

Stated how Yoga connects body and Mind.

Panchabuthas related with our body

Importance of Doing Dayana. How Dayana helps to control our body and Mind.

Emphasized the significance of practicing Yoga in our day-to-day life.

Given the Demonstration on Pranayama. All participants actively practiced Pranayama.

Listed out the Various Mudras and its benefits

Resource Person 2: Dr. Sudha Ravi, Assistant Professor, Sky yoga centre, World community Service Centre, Chennai

Resource Person 3: Mrs.R. Geetha, Assistant Professor, Sky yoga centre, World community Service Centre, Chennai

Other Resource Persons helped the participants during the demonstration

Finally Session was opened for Q & A. All queries were clarified effectively.  The session was great eye-opener for all the participants.

Vote of thanks presented by Dr K Sutha Assistant Professor-BCA



Professor & Head/CSA-

VP Admin(S&H)


VP Academic(S&H)

Maj Dr M Venkatramanan

Dean (S & H)


Dr.S. Uma Shankari, Associate Professor & Program Coordinator (BCA)

Dr.K. Sutha, Assistant Professor & Program Coordinator (BCA/B.Sc)