Brand Building on “Consumer Protection Act” and “Business Environment”

The Department of Commerce (SHIFT-1) organised one day on brand building titled “Consumer Protection Act” and “Business Environment” exclusively for 12th STD Students.

* Ms. A. N. Amrin Fathima and Dr. V Shruthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (SHIFT – I), Along with 5 students coordinator conducted quiz competition for 11th & 12th Std students, and distributed 1st & 2nd prize to the Quiz Excellencies and Participation Prizes too for all the students.

* Ms. A. N. Amrin Fathima, Assistant Professor gave an elaborated view on SRM IST, Ramapuram and the various streams offered (B.COM GENERAL, B. COM A&F, B. COM HONS, B. COM ISM & B. COM CS) to the students.  She interacted and clarified the doubts of the students about Online Applications for Admission.

* Dr. V. Shruthi, Assistant Professor gave an introduction  to the students on “CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT” and thus the Modelled Project was placed and demonstrated by the Students. Ms. Varsha, Mr. Mohammed Shiek & Mr. Rokkit Kumar.

* Dr. V. Shruthi, Assistant Professor gave an introduction  to the students on “BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT” and thus the Modelled Project was placed and demonstrated by the Students Ms. Yogalakshmi & Mr. Aswin.

* The prizes were rewarded to the students by their school mentors.

* Students of Commerce have participated in the Quiz competition and the Modeled Sessions handled.

* Approximately 82 Students participated in the event.

School Principal Mrs. Lakshmi Devi and the School Teachers supported our initiatives and appreciated the effort taken by the SRM IST management