SRM Institute of Science and Technology, College of Management, Ramapuram
The College of Management organised a Professional Development Programme
on Art of Writing Quality Research Paper and Funded Projects for the faculty members of college of S & H & College of Management. The programme started Tamil Thai Valthu, followed by lightning the kuthuvilaku. The Dean Pro. Dr. C. Sundar Management of Studies welcomed the gathering. Dr. K. V. Narayanan Dean – IQAC, SRM Group of Institutions, Ramapuram and Maj Dr. M. Venkataraman Dean (S&H), SRM IST, Ramapuram gave felicitation address. Dr. R. Krishnamoorthy Dean (Research & Academics) SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Trichy Campus delivered the Inagural address and enlightened the techniques of writing quality papers and funded project proposals. To conclude the Convenor Assistant Professor Dr. K. Priya expressed her gratitude to everyone.