Event Title: International Virtual Conference on “Progress in Mathematics towards Industrial Applications
Date: 06.11.2020 & 07.11.2020
Time: 09.30 AM
Venue: SRM IST, Ramapuram.
No. of Participants: 17
Weblink: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qoC27xmUdDE0VxpP1WLc0pfAzqt3QcCz?usp=sharing
Description of the Event/Objective:
- Hema Gopal, Former Global Head, of TCS- IBM Centre of Excellence, during her inaugural address, expressed that Mathematics is the engine for the economy. It rules science and technology. There was an overwhelming response from participants. Every session was attended by faculty members and research scholars from all over the world. Nearly 150 papers were received. Out of that selected 125 papers were presented at the conference in the parallel sessions.