Event Title: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics

Date: 23.06.2021

Time: 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM

Venue: Online

No. of Participants: 50



Description of the Event/Objective

The Department of Computer Science organized a day Webinar on the topic “Role of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics “on 23.06.2021. The Motto of The Programme is to know briefly about various role of AI in Robotics. The welcome address was given by Dr.S.Umarani, Professor and Head /B.SC (CS). Introduction of Resource person was given by Mr.A.Vignesh.,A.P/B.Sc(CS). The session started with Mr. Jishnu Senior Software Engineer, Pantech e-learing solutions, by defining and explaining about Artificial Intelligence. Next he explained about the python machine learning libraries, such as Numpy, Scipy, Keras, Pandas etc. He then continued by explaining about IOT ( Internet Of Things) is the new nervous system. He explained about Sophia- A robot which was developed by the UNDP ( United Nations Development Program and goals of AI, Creative advertising, E- learning, Web designing and many more, three types of AI. Later he comprehensively discussed about  How ML/dl are implemented, sensors, the actuators in both humans and robots, and also the types of AI agents such as Simple reflex agent, Model based reflex agent, Utility based finally and Learning agent.