Department of Commerce
We the faculty members of Department of Commerce organized a S e m i n a r o n “ E x p l o r i n g O p p o r t u n i t i e s i n C o m m e r c e the outreach program for +2 students, to explore the various career opportunities in commerce. There are 51 students attended the seminar and how to select the higher education criterion and to acquaint better exposure to choose higher education.
Event Title: Brand Building Activity
Date: 27-10-2023, Friday
Time: 8.30 AM – 9.30 AM
Venue: Assisi Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Ramapuram, Chennai.
O rg ani zed: Department of Commerce Resource Person: Dr. S. Venkatesan Convenors: Dr. R. Rakesh
Dr. K. Gunasekaran