SRM Institute of Science & Technology

College of Science & Humanities


Department of Computer Science & Applications(MCA)

Pre Event Report

Event Title:

Industry Institute Interaction Event

(Through MoU & Centre of Excellence)

 Career Options and Placement Opportunities in Software Testing 

Date  :01-02-2024

Time : 11 am to 1 pm

Venue: PG Block 102-SRM IST, Ramapuram

Event Convenor: Dr.J.Dhilipan, Professor & Head-MCA

Vice Principal- Admin

Event Coordinator: Mr.N.Krishnamoorthy Assistant Professor -MCA


Resource Person: Mr. Somasundar M -Vice president – Technology –         Pyroferus Technologies – Independent Software testing Company

Targeted Audience: UG/PG students

Event Objectives:

  • The main aim of the program is to provide an opportunity to gain  information about testing
  • On completion of this event all the participants will gain knowledge on practical knowledge on software testing.