International Women’s Day Painting Competition at SRM IST Ramapuram 


On International Women’s Day, Department of Visual Communication, SRM IST Ramapuram organized a vibrant and inspiring intercollegiate painting competition to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women. The event aimed to showcase artistic talent, promote gender equality, and honor the spirit of Girl students from different colleges.


The chief guest of Inaugural function was Ms Ravoofa H.K the founder of media masons. The event started with the invocation (Tamizhthai vazhthu) at 10:00 AM and followed with the kuthuvilakku ceremony, Dr. V Prabhakaran, Head of Media studies delivered the welcome address and special address was delivered by Dr. V. Saravanan, VP Academics. Then our beloved guest delivered the inaugural address, and she distributed canvases to the participants. Following this, Assistant Professor D. Saravanan provided instructions, concluding the inaugural function. The department ensured ample space and provided refreshments for all participants during the competition. Once the judging was completed, participants were instructed to take their canvases to the gallery hall for the valedictory session.


At 4:00 PM the valedictory function started by inviting  the next chief guest Ms.S Yogalakshmi chief business strategy officer,Basilic fly studio, Chennai. The welcome speech was proposed by Dr.V Prabhakaran, Head of Media studies and special address was delivered by Dr.V Saravanan VP academics. Followed with the valedictory address was given by the chief guest Ms .S Yogalakshmi and as a result of the painting competition the prizes were distributed by the honourable dignitaries at the dais  and after the prize distribution vote of thanks was given by Ms.S Padmavathy, Assistant Professor and with the National anthem the event came to an end

The International Women’s Day painting competition at SRM IST Ramapuram was a resounding success, showcasing the talent and creativity of the participants. This intercollegiate painting Competition accompanied girl students from 20 different colleges that included 52 teams with more than 100 students and the program was successfully coordinated by Ms.S Padmavathy and Mr. D. Saravanan, Assistant Professors, Viscom.


List of Prize Winners


Other College Category


Karthiyayini – Soel – 1st Prize

Ruth sneha, Divya, disha, nishthaa – Shasun Jain College – 2nd Prize

PrizeJayashree sridhar – Annai Kamatchi music and fine arts college  – 3rd Prize


SRM Category


Leah TeresaJoseph and Madhushree (Biotech) – 1st Prize

Abirami and Vaishika (BCA) – 2nd Prize

Sanjana – ( Commerce A&F) – 3rd Prize