Event Title: My Science Hero
Date: 25-03-2024 to 04.04.2024
Organizing Head: Dr. M. Kamaraj, Head – Department of Biotechnology
Convenor: Dr. G. Rajendran/Assistant Professor – Department of Biotechnology
Mode of Event: Online
No. of Participants: 70
The Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram has organized a online “My Science Hero” National Level Scientific Program from 25.03.2024 to 04.04.2024.
The aim of conducting this event was to create curiosity and awareness about contribution of the scientist in the field of biological sciences including Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics and so on. In this online My Science Hero event, 70 participants were actively participated from various organizations including School students, undergraduate and post graduate students, and researchers. The certificate was issued to all the participants.