Event Title: New Directions in Latest Technology, Robotics and Drones, Artificial Intelligence

Date: 21.05.2021

Time: 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM

Venue: Online Mode

No. of Participants: 177


Description of the Event/Objective:

1)This event provides knowledge of Robotics and Drones and their uses during the pandemic period.

2)The Medicine and Food serving robots, Nurse assisting robots, Surveillance Drones and  the drones they were designing in their laboratory and Object Automation Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,

3) AI and ML with requisites like python for data science and data analysis, Math for machine learning, data visualization, SQL, Statistics and ML algorithms.  Deep learning algorithms in various domains. NLP and various steps of processing data and algorithms used. such as the BERT algorithm used by Google and  Kubernetes for full stack developers.