S. No Name of the activity Organising/ collaborating unit/ agency Name of the scheme Year of the activity Number of students participated
1 Public Awareness on Covid-19, Teen substance prevention, Moblie phone and plastic hazards Chennai Corporation and Chennai Smart City Outreach Programme 2019-2020 50
2 Student Leadership Programme Indian Development Foundation – EETHAL Extension Activity 2019-2020 60
3 Honoring the Women Conservancy Workers in Ramapuram Zone SRMIST/RMP Eethal 2020-2021 50
4 Plenary discussion on ” solid waste management: Global practices and Chennai Scenario” Urbaser Summet Outreach 2021-2022 25
5 Community engagement Programme Mahatma Gandhi Rural Education, Department of higher education Beat Covid Campaign 2021-2022 100
6 Women Warriors Award 2021 Business Standards Outreach Programme 2021-2022 50