- About
- Other Details
- Papers Presented
- Achievements and Awards
Email: seethaj@srmist.edu.in
Phone No : 9944060287
Dr. J.Seetha
Assistant Professor
- Department of computer science , Ramapuram Campus , SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Area or Subject
Image Processing , Cloud Computing
Educational Qualifications
- Degree – PhD
- Area or Subject – CSE
- University – Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
- Awarded Year – 2021( Going to be —– May 2021)
Courses: Operating Systems, DBMS, Software Engineering, Java Programming, Software Testing, Software Project Management, Object Oriented Programming , Data Structures and Algorithms
Research Interests: Image Processing, Cloud Computing, Data Mining, Machine Learning
Selected Publications:
- The paper entitled “Survey on Classification methods of Brain Tumor: A Review of Literature” has been published in Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research [Scopus], Vol. No.46(1), pp.246-250, March 2019.
- The paper entitled “Brain Tumor classification using Convolutional Neural Network” has been published in Biomedical and pharmacology Journal [Scopus], 2018.
- The paper entitled “Smart Parking Bay Based on Image processing and Internet of Things “ has been published in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research [Scopus], ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 6 (2018) pp. 4423-4427.
- The paper entitled “Unsupervised Learning Algorithm for Color Texture Segmentation Based Multiscale Image Fusion “ has been published in European Journal of Scientific Research , ISSN 1450-216X Vol.67 No.4 (2012), pp. 506- 511.
- The paper entitled “Multi Server Authentication System Based On Palm Vein Authentication and Secured OTP Using ECC “” has been published in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, Volume 2 , Issue 2 , Print ISSN: 2395-6011 , Online ISSN: 2395-602X, 2016.
Academic Experience:
- Assistant Professor / CS , SRM Institute of Science and Technology ,Feb 2021 .
- Associate Professor / CSE , Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering /Chennai , 2010-2021.
- Lecturer /St. Peter’s University, Avadi, Chennai, 2007-2010.
- Lecturer / SASTRA University, Thanjavur, 2002-2007.
Workshops Seminars/Conferences:
- AICTE – ISTE Sponsored Short Term Training program on “Molecular Graphics and Modeling” organized by SASTRA University on 01.10.04 to 12.10.04.
- AICTE Sponsored “Staff Development Program on Open Source Software” organized by St.Peter’s Engineering College, Chennai on 10.09.07 to 21.09.07.
- One day seminar on “CISCO EDUCATION DAY “Organized by Cisco systems and Anna University on 12.10.07.
- DST Sponsored Seminar on “IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING AND ANALYS organized by National Institute of Technology on 05.12.07.
- National Level Seminar on “Mobile and Pervasive Computing “National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli on 21.03.08.
- Attended five day workshop on “HIGH IMPACT ON TEACHING SKILLS – Mission 10X” organized by Dhanalakshmi college of Engineering and WIPRO in the year 2010.
- Two Days Seminar on “Mobile communication “organized by Abdul Rahman University, Chennai on 24.02.11.
- Attended two day Faculty Development Programme on “ Introduction to R Programming “ by ICT Academy on 16.11.17 and 17.11.17.
- Attended five days Faculty Development Training Programme on “CS6401 – Operating Systems organized by Anna University from 27.11.17 to 03.12.17.
- Attended two day Faculty Development Programme on “Introduction to Mobile APP Development" Organized by ICT Academy on 07.03.18 to 08.03.18.
- Attended two day Faculty Development Programme on “Emotional Intelligence” organized by ICT Academy on 13.11.18 to 14.11.18.
- Attended five days Internship on “Internet of Things” by Spiro Solutions Pvt. Ltd. T.Nager , from 15.11.18 to 19.11.18.
- Attended two days Faculty Development Programme on “Introduction to Cloud Computing organized by ICT Academy from 03.06.17 to 04.06.19.
- Attended five days online Faculty Development Programme on “Introduction to Data Science” organized by Guntur Engineering College from 18.05.20 to 22.05.20.
- Participated in one day webinar on “Research Paper Writing for Scientific Journals” organized by KIT, Coimbatore on 22.05.20.
- Certified Virtual classroom Teacher by Classle SkillNet through Classle SkillNet programme on 22.05.20.
- Attended online super session on “Change is the Essence of Life “ organized by ICT Academy on 25.05.20.
- Attended Webinar on “Data Science : Enterprise Search – Bringing data at one step for retrieval” organized by Panimalar Engineering College on 11.06.20.
- Attended three day Faculty Development Programme on “Neural Networks and Deep Learning “organized by Rajalakshmi Engineering College from 08.06.20 to 10.06.20.
- Participated in IETE Webinar on “The Risk of Artificial Intelligence: A Security Perspective” organized by St. Joseph’s Institute of Technology on 12.06.20.
- Participated in one week Faculty Development Program on “Research Trends In Medical Imaging” organized by Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering, Pune from 05.11.2020 to 10.11.2020.
- Participated in two days Faculty Development Program on “Practical Probabilistic Modeling Using Deep Learning organized by St. Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering , Chunkankadai from 09.03.2021 to 11.03.2021.
Papers Presented:
- Presented a paper on “Clustering of Multispectral and Hyper spectral Images” in the International Conference organized by S.A Engineering College, Chennai from 23.02.11 to 25.02.11.
- Poster presentation done on the paper entitled “Use of Robot for People Recognition“ in the International Conference organized by Sathyabama University from 08.12.10 to 09.12.10.
- Presented a paper on “Clustering an Overview “in the GEO SUMMIT – 2011 Organized by Sathyabama University from 27.07.11 to 29.07.11.
- Presented a paper on entitled “Unsupervised Learning Algorithm for Color Texture Segmentation Based Multi scale Image Fusion has been selected for the presentation conducted by Sathyabama University from 15.09.11 To 16.09.11
Achievements and Awards:
- Cash Award for getting 100% results for every semester
- Received patent for the work “Disease Analysis by Machines Learning over data from health community”, File No: 202031001339, Published date: 07.02.20, Publication No: 06/20.
- Received patent for the work “Service Oriented Network Selection Scheme for 802.11 WLANs with packet delay, Bandwidth and Node Type Consideration”, File No : 2021101325,Published date :14.03.21.