To celebrate National Mathematics day and to honour the legacy of the great Mathematician Srinivasan Ramanujan, Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram campus organized a 5 days programme from 22nd to 26th December 2020. As part of the celebration, invited talks by guest speakers in the field of Number Theory and its applications and also highlighting Ramanujan’s contributions to Mathematics and his continuing influence and impact on the growth and development of Mathematics were organized.

Date : 22.12.2020
Dr. Prem Laxman Das
Scientist B, SETS, Taramani, Chennai
Topic: Elliptic curve Isogenies in Crytography

Date : 22.12.2020
Dr.Nitin Saxena
IIT Kanpur
Topic: Efficiency computing Igusa’s local- zeta function