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Department of Chemistry, Ramapuram Campus, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
A Muthukrishnaraj
Assistant Professor (O.G)
Area or Subject
Educational Qualifications
Ph.D Materials Chemistry Anna University University, 2015.
M.Sc General Chemistry Bharathiar University, 2009
P.G Diploma Industrial Chemistry Bharathiar University, 2009
B.Sc General Chemistry Bharathiar University, 2007
Courses: Chemistry, Principles of Environmental Science, Renewable Energy Engineering, Industrial Pollution Prevention and its Control
Research Interests: Carbon Based Composite synthesis, Photocatalysis, Solar Cell, Super Capacitor, Nanomaterials
Selected Publications
- Muthukrishnaraj a , S. Vadivel a , I Made Joni b , N. Balasubramanian a *, Development of reduced graphene oxide / CuBi 2 O 4 hybrid for enhanced photocatalytic behavior under visible light irradiation, Ceramic International journal. 6164-6168, 2015.
- Muthukrishnaraj, A, Manokaran, J, Vanitha, M, Thiruvengadaravi, KV, Baskaralingam, P & Balasubramanian, N 2014, Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies for the removal of Zn(II) andNi(II) ions using magnetically recoverable graphene/Fe3O4 composite Desalination and Water Treatment, doi: 10.1080/19443994.2014.96314, pp.1-17.
- Muthukrishnaraj, A, Vadivel, S, Kamalakannan, VP & Balasubramanian, N 2014, ‘α-Fe2O3/reduced graphene oxide nanorod as efficient photocatalyst for methylene blue degradation’, Materials Research Innovations, doi.org / 10.1179/1433075X14Y.0000000251 .
- S. S. Kalaivani, A.Muthukrishnaraj, L. Ravikumar & S. Sivanesan, Novel Hyper Branched Polyurethane Resins for the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions from Aqueous Solution, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 104 (2016) 11-23.
- Manoharan, J, Muruganamtham, R, Muthukrishnaraj, A & Balasubramanian, N Platinum- polydopamine @SiO2 nanocomposite modified electrode for the electrochemical determination of quercetin, Electrochemica Acta (Accepted)
- Vadivel, S, Keerthi, P, Vanitha, M, Muthukrishnaraj, A & Balasubramanian, N 2014, ‘Solvothermal synthesis of Sm-doped BiOBr/RGO composite as an efficient photocatalytic material for methyl orange degradation’, Materials Letters, vol. 128, pp. 287–290.
- Vadivel, S, Vanitha, M, Muthukrishnaraj, A & Balasubramanian, N 2014, ‘Graphene oxide-BiOBr composite material as highly efficient photocatalyst for degradation of Methylene Blue and Rhodamine-B’, Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 17–26.
- Ibrahim, DS, Anand, AP, Muthukrishnaraj, A, Thilakavathi, R & Balasubramanian, N 2014, ‘ Insitu electro-catalytic treatment of a reactive golden yellow HER synthetic dye effluent’, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, vol.1, pp. 2-8.
- Dhorgham Skban Ibrahim, Mohan Lathalakshmi, Appusamy Muthukrishnaraj and Natesan Balasubramanian, An alternative treatment process for upgrade of petroleum refinery water using electrocoagulaton. Petroleum Science (2013):10.421-430
- Asha A, Keerthi P, Muthukrishnaraj A and BalaSubramanian N. Improvement of Biodegradability Index through Electrocoagulation and Advanced Oxidation Process. International Journal of Industrial Chemistry (2014) 5 (1), 1-6
Academic Experience
- Assistant Professor (O.G), SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram from Aug 2015 to Till date
Workshop and Conferences Attended & Organized
- Attended ‘National Conference on Recent Trends in Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry’ held at Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, India, during 17-18 July 2008.
- Participated in ‘National Level Students Symposium on Recent Trents in Analytical Chemistry Workshop held at National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India, on 3rd & 4th October 2008.
- Attended ‘International Conference on Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry’ held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, India during March 19-20, 2009.
- Participated in ‘National Level Students Symposium on Nanomaterials and Its Application held at National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India, on 23rd October 2010.
- Participated in ‘Science Academies Lecture Workshop on Spectroscopy held at Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, India, on 3rd & 4th December 2010.
- Participated in Indo-Europe Workshop on Recent Developments in Membrane Technology for Industrial held at Department of Chemical Engineering A.C.Tech Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India, on 10th & 11th February 2011.
- Participated in ‘Advanced Analytical Techniques for Materials Characterization’ held at Department of Chemistry, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India, on 19th & 20th July 2011.
- Presented a paper on “Improvement of Biodegradability index Through Advanced Oxidation Process” in the National Conference on Recent Trends in ‘Chemical, Energy & Environmental Engineering’ held at Department of Chemical Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, on 28th February 2012.
- Kamalakannan, VP, Vadivel, S, Muthukrishnaraj, A & Balasubramanian, N ‘Synthesis of Reduced graphene oxide-polyaniline/ Bi 2 O 3 ternary composites and its Electrical and Electrochemical properties International Conference on Materials and Characterization Techniques 2014’ (ICMCT2014). The conference will be held in VIT University, Vellore, India During March 10-12, 2014.
- A.Muthukrishnaraj, J.Narendranath, J.Manokaran, N.Balasubramanian “Synthesis And Characterization Of Cerium Doped ZnS Nanorod Graphene Composite With Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity” was presented in National Science Day programme conducted on SRM University, Kattankulathur Chennai, India on 26th February 2016.
Faculty Development Programmes
- Attended the teacher training workshops as part of ”Royal Society of Chemistry Yusuf Hamied Inspirational Chemistry Programme” held at SRM University, Ramapuram campus, Chennai, India during 03 rd & 04 th February 2017.
- Attended a one day faculty development programme on “INSTRUCTONIC” trained by Focus Academy for Career Enhancement (FACE) held at SRM University, Ramapuram campus, Chennai, India on 29 th June 2017.
- Attended a three days Regional Workshop on “Regional Based Pedagogical Tools (RBPT)” held from 7 th to 9 th September at SRM University, funded by DBT, Govt. of India and organized by Centre of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education (Supported by MHRD, Govt. of India) in IISER, Pune. It was conducted by a team of facilitators who were trained by experts from the Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
Achievements and Awards
- Insitu electro-catalytic treatment of a reactive golden yellow HER synthetic dye effluent’, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, vol.1, pp. 2-8. Sciencedirect top 25 list of most downloaded articles, ranked 13 th on the top 25 for Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering - January to December 2013 full year.
- ‘Graphene oxide-biobr composite material as highly efficient photocatalyst for degradation of Methylene Blue and Rhodamine-B’, Journal of Water Process Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 17–26. Sciencedirect top 25 list of most downloaded articles ranked 10 th on the top 25 for journal of water process engineering - January to December 2014 full year.