In Association with Blueprint App Technologies

TIME: 10.00 am to 11.00 am

Guest Speakers: Mrs..V.Vidhaya- CEO-Blueprint App and  Mr Vairaselvam-Solution Architect

DATE: 30.12.2020 CHIEF GUESTS :   Mrs..V.Vidhaya- CEO-Blueprint App  and  Mr Vairaselvam-Solution Architect

The Department of Computer Applications(MCA) conducted    – WEBINAR ON ?STEP INTO AI ERA? In Association with Blueprint App Technologies  on 30 -12-2020 . The session was handled by Mrs..V.Vidhaya- CEO-Blueprint App–Chennai * Mr Vairaselvam-Solution Architect

Welcome Address- Dr.J.Dhilipan. Vice Principal Academic and- HOD/MCA

Dr J DHILIPAN presented the welcome address. During the address, he welcomed the chief guest of todays function.

He added that the department has been  various types of  activities ,which are  aimed at elevating the skills of students by bridging the gap between academia and the industry. The event is conducted as an ongoing process after signing MoU with M/s BlueprintApp.  He stated that we have already done some activities in continuation with the MoU.

He added that Ms.RupaSri of III MCA has successfully completed her internship for 3 months in BluePrintApp through this MoS

He added that  AI in IT industry plays an important role and the events like this are the need of the hour and our department has been constantly updating its curriculum and syllabus and produce industry ready students  by means of narrowing the gap between the academia and industry.

He concluded his address by requesting the participants to make use of the forum to demystify the thrust areas .

♦   Mrs..V.Vidhaya- CEO-Blueprint App–Chennai started the session with a brief introduction of  the importance of  AI in project development for students to elevate their career.

She added the various products developed in their company like


Machine Learning  model

Deep learning

Tensor flow

Mr Vairaselvam started the address by exploring the  career growth and stating the role and responsibility of AI  in project development

He clearly explained about the Evolution of AI

Console TUI

Desktop GUI





We are at 6th level of AI

He added about era of Web UI(From 2009 to 2015) –Web 1.0- with supported technologies like-HTML,CSS,J?AVA, Web 2.0 with  technologies like client/server and database  technologies like .net MVC,JAVA MVC, Java Script, JQuery, SQL Server. Oracle, My SQL. Also more break through have happened in AI ERA like

He then discussed about what factors are go into play a major role in AI career by explaining Web 3.0 so that we can talk to a website and have conversation with the web site. In another 5 or 6 years, the browsers will be personalized and will have intelligence.

His lecture was then about AI-Pack

Cognitive Services


Machine Learning

Data Science

Additionally he described about Readying for tomorrow- by learning AI Technologies. The tradeoff between AI and Data Science

He then explained about various machine learning Algorithms

 He concluded his address by explaining  various algorithms of ML, and future of AI .He also added that the company is ready to offer internship and small modules of a project.

Also the session was more interesting and made everyone to understand each and every concept easily. The entire session was very useful to everyone

 Then the session was then open to the audience for interaction and he answered the queries raised by the audience. The entire session was very useful to everyone.

Mr.N.Krishnamoorthy-AP/MCA proposed the vote of thanks.

The session was attended by around 100 participants. The presentation was followed by a Q & A session. The event was well-coordinated by the faculty member Mr.N.Krishnamoorthy-AP/MCA