- About
- Other Details
Department of Computer Applications (MCA), Ramapuram Campus, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Dr.S.KarthigaAssistant Professor
Area or Subject
Computer Science
Educational Qualifications
- Degree – BSC
- Area or Subject – Computer Science
- University – University of Madras
- Awarded Year –2012
- Degree – MCA
- Area or Subject – Computer Application
- University – University of Madras
- Awarded Year –2016
- Degree – Ph.D
- Area or Subject – Cloud Security
- University – University of Madras
- Awarded Year –2022
Courses: Cloud Computing, Data Science
Research Interests: Cloud Computing, Cloud Security
Papers Presented:
S. Karthiga, T. Velmurugan, “An implementation of Substitution Techniques in Cloud Security using Playfair and Caeser Algorithms”, IV International Conference on Computing Paradigms (ICCP-2018) July 20-22, ISSN: 1314-3395, Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, India 2018 Vol. 119, No. 17 pp.509-524.
S. Karthiga, T. Velmurugan, “Enchancing Security using Message Digest Authentication with Salt and Without Salt in Cloud Environment”, Sixth International Conference on Computing Paradigms (online) (ICCP-2020) December 18-19, ISSN: 0974-6803, Don Bosco College, Yelagiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, India 2020.
S.Karthiga Assistant Professor Department of Computer Application has got patent ArinnA ,Journal, Book & Patent Publication on 20th may 2023 the title of “CUSTOMER FOCUSED ECOMMERCE SITE WITH AI BOT”.Selected Publications:
Dr.S.Karthiga Dr.N.Edison Rathinam Dr.G. Mariakalavathy “Detecting early plant disease using SVM and image processing , International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative research, ISSN: 2349-5162, Vol. 10, Issue 06, pp. f50-f66, 2023.
S. Karthiga, T. Velmurugan, “Enhancing Security in Cloud Computing using Playfair and Caeser Cipher in Substitution Techniques”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol. 09, Issue 04, pp. 912- 920,2020 (SCOPUS).
Thambusamy Velumurgan, Sivakumar Karthiga, “Security based approach of Secure Hashing Algorithm 384 and Secure Hashing Algorithm 512 algorithms in cloud environment”, Journal of Computer Science, ISSN: 1549-3636, Vol. 16, Issue 10, pp. 1439-1450 (SCOPUS).
S. Karthiga, T. Velmurugan, “A Survey on the security issues of Software Defined Networking Tool in Cloud Computing “, International Journal of Business Intelligents, ISSN: 2278-2400, Vol. 06, Issue 02, pp. 27-33, 2017.
Patent Published:
S.Karthiga Assistant Professor Department of Computer Application has got patent ArinnA ,Journal, Book & Patent Publication on 20th may 2023 the title of “CUSTOMER FOCUSED ECOMMERCE SITE WITH AI BOT”.
Working Papers:
Security based approach of SHA 384 and MDA
Work in Progress:
Focus on Cloud Security
Workshops /Seminars/Conferences: One-Day Workshop on “Journal Searching Methods” organized by the Department of Computer Science at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan DossVaishnav college Arumbakkam, Chennai-106 held on 29th April 2020. One-Day Workshop on “Social Networks for Research Publications” organized by the Department of Computer Science at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan DossVaishnav college Arumbakkam, Chennai-106 held on 30h April 2020. One-Day Workshop on “Latex tool for Document Preparation” organized by the Department of Computer Science at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan DossVaishnav college Arumbakkam, Chennai-106 held on 10th May 2020. Ø Participated in One-Day Workshop on “Searching Data Sets for Research” organized by the Department of Computer Science at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan DossVaishnav college Arumbakkam, Chennai-106 held on 12th May 2020. One-Day Workshop on “How to Conduct Classes Using Google Meet” organized by the Department of Computer Science at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan DossVaishnav college Arumbakkam, Chennai-106 held on 7th June 2020. Participated in One-Day Workshop on “How to Add Scopus Paper in ORCHID database” organized by the Department of Computer Science at Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan DossVaishnav college Arumbakkam, Chennai-106 held on 28th June 2020. Two-Day National Workshop on “Upscaling Pedagogy withMoodle” organized by Yelagiri Hills ACM Chapter and School of ComputerScience at Don Bosco College (Co-Ed), Yelagiri held on 13th & 15th July 2020.