Industry-Institute Collaboration Activity 28-11-2020

Topic:  The impact of Automation in IT Industry

The Department of COMPUTER APPLICATIONS(MCA) conducted Industry-Institute Collaboration Activity  -Programme   on 28-11-2020 . The session was handled by  Mr.Raja Lead AUTOMATION,  Pyroferous Technologies & Mr Somasundar Senior Architect, Pyroferous Technologies

Dr J DHILIPAN Vice Principal (FSH) and HOD/MCA presented the welcome address. During the address, he welcomed the chief guest of todays function.

He added that the department has been conducting Industry-Institute Collaboration Activity ,which is aimed at elevating the skills of students by bridging the gap between academia and the industry. The event is conducted as an ongoing process after signing MoU with M/s Pyroferous Technologies.  He stated that we have already done some activities in continuation with the MoU

Technical Session :  Mr.Raja Lead AUTOMATION,  Pyroferous Technologies & Mr Somasundar Senior Architect, Pyroferous Technologies

  Mr Somasundar Senior Architect, Pyroferous Technologies started the session with a Brief introduction about testing and their company profile.

He also demonstrated about why testing is automated. The technical session was then conducted by Mr Vignesh and Mr Raja from Pyroferous Technologies

Selenium is basically used to automate the testing across various web browsers. It supports various browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, and IE, and one can very easily automate browser testing across these browsers using Selenium WebDriver.

He then discussed about

What are the requirements for testing jobs?

How the students should shape themselves for jobs?

They advised that the students must have a sound knowledge in the following areas in order to get a job in testing


?Knowledge of Automation testing

?Oops concepts


?SQL queries

Mrs. J.SHOBANA -AP/MCA proposed the vote of thanks.

The session was attended by around 100 participants. The presentation was followed by a Q & A session. The event was well-coordinated by the faculty member Mrs. J.SHOBANA -AP/MCA