SRM Institute of Science and Technology-Ramapuram College of Science and Humanities (A Place for Transformation) Department of Computer Applications (BCA)
One Day Webinar
Topic : “IoT: Opportunities for Smart Work”
Resource person: Mr.Lakshmi Narayanan
Senior Engineer,
Harman International Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore.
(A Samsung Company)
Date: 19-06-2021 Time: 04.00 pm to 05.00 pm
?Welcome address was delivered by Dr. R. Agusthiyar,Professor & Head, Department of Computer Applications (BCA), SRMIST-Rampuram. Added to that he motivted the participants to gain the knowledge in IoT by attending the session.
?D.B.Shanmugam, Assistant Professor/BCA delivered the Chief Guest profile.
?Resource person explained ,when IoT is augmented with sensors and actuators, the technology becomes an instance of the more general class of cyber-physical systems, which also encompasses technologies such as smart grids, smart homes, intelligent transportation and smart cities.
?Monitoring and controlling operations of urban and rural infrastructures like bridges, railway tracks, on- and offshore- wind-farms is a key application of the IoT.
?The IoT can assist in integration of communications, control, and information
processing across various transportation systems.
?Finally he conclude that IoT is a rapidly increasing and promising technology which becomes moreand more present in our everyday lives.
The event was well organised by the coordinator Mr.DB Shanmugam,Assistant Professor/BCA,SRMIST,Ramapuram.