SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Ramapuram Campus, Chennai, India
College of Science and Humanities
Department of Biotechnology
International Conference on Recent Advances in Biotechnology and Environmental Health Research (RABEHR 2021)
In Association with
Faculty of Bioresource and Food Technology
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia.
On October 28 & 29, 2021

About SRM IST:
SRM Institute of Science and Technology is one of the top ranking Universities and most premier engineering destinations in India, which is established in 1985, now it is functioning in campuses located at Kattankulathur, Ramapuram and Vadapalani in Chennai and one in Modi Nagar, Ghaziabad with over 52000 students and 3200 faculty members, offering a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programs in Engineering, Management, Medicine & Health Sciences, Agriculture, Law and Science & Humanities. The Institution has moved up through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence. SRMIST also collaborates with various foreign Universities. Now the Institute enjoys an unsurpassed reputation in academic and corporate circles being the preferred manpower source for vision to be recognized as a world – class learning institution. SRMIST has been accorded Category I status by MHRD-UGC of Government of India and also accredited by NAAC with ‘A++’ Grade in the year 2018.
About Ramapuram Campus
The College of Science & Humanities of SRM University started functioning at Ramapuram Campus in the academic year 2014 – 2015. It offers 18 academic courses in UG and PG programmes. Ramapuram campus situated within the city has won world-wide recognition and public acceptance. More than 4,000 students are pursuing their studies in the campus with more than 160 dedicated faculty members and equipped with excellent laboratories, teaching aids and a central library.
About the Department of Biotechnology
The Department of Biotechnology, College of Science and Humanities, SRMIST, Ramapuram campus started with a vision impart to spearhead research and educational programs in Biotechnology and Health Sciences. Since then, the department has encouraged the young, creative and innovative minds pertaining in the field of biotechnology leading to the significant contribution for the betterment of humankind. Research papers have been published in peer reviewed high impact factor international journals and papers presented in National and International conferences. The department has high-quality learning environment for the undergraduate students with an aim to power Post graduate and Research programs in near future.
Objectives of the Conference:
- This Virtual International Conference aims to bring together leading academicians, scientists, researchers, industrialists and technologists from India and abroad to interact, exchange ideas, share their experiences and results of their research in the frontier areas of Life sciences.
- The latest development in Biological Sciences and their relevance to societal needs will be extensively discussed in the two-day conference.
- Conference will also focus on applied fields of Medical sciences & Food Technology, Environmental biotechnology, Biomedical and Nanotechnology.
- Conference will serve an ideal platform to establish research collaborations between academic, industrial and research institutions and identifying avenues for translating research into useful products.
- The deliberations of the conference have been carefully designed to deliver invited lectures from eminent scientists and scholars of global recognition which will be beneficial to all the participants.
Conference Proceedings
All the accepted abstracts will be published in RABEHR 2021 abstracts volume with ISBN number
Thrust area
Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or Journal in the following, but not limited to.
- Biotechnology in 21st century Opportunities & Challenges
- Medical & Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- Cancer Biology & Infection Biology
- Neurobiology & Immunology
- Anticancer properties of natural products drugs and drug delivery systems.
- Biochemistry, Cell & Molecular Biology
- Food and Bioprocess Technology
- Biomaterials from genetically modified organisms
- Biotechnology in Agriculture & Food Security
- Bioremediation and Biorefineries
- Nanocomposites and catalysts & Multifunctional nanomaterials
- Nanobiotechnology, nanotoxicology and nanomedicine
- Industrial Biotechnology: products and commercialization
- Enzyme and Fermentation Technology
- Algal biofuels and Environmental Biotechnology
- Technology transfer in Biotechnology
Call for Papers
Abstracts of research papers in the following thrust areas are invited for oral presentations. The abstract must be restricted to 300 – 500 words. The name of the presenting author should be underlined and corresponding author indicated by an asterisk. The abstract and full research paper should be neatly typed in Times New Roman, 12 points with 1.5 line spacing. The participants will be intimated about the acceptance of their abstracts through email. An Abstract book will be published during the conference. Full length papers should be submitted to by October, 10, 2021. Authors submitting papers should mention in subject line “Submission for RABEHR-2021”
Mode: Virtual mode
Awards RABEHR -2021 announces awards in the following categories.
SRM-RABEHR Best Research Paper Award
SRM-RABEHR Best Oral Award
- Last date for submission of abstract : 02/10/2021
- Acceptance Notification : 05/10/2021
- Last date for Registration : 10/10/2021

Dr.U.S.Mahadeva Rao
Professor of Medical Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
Terengganu, Malaysia
Dr. Khamsah Suryati Mohd
Faculty of Bioresources and Food Industry,
UniversitI Sultan Zainal Abidin, Besut Kampus,
Terengganu, Malaysia.

Registration Fees
India Foreign
Delegate – Industry/ Academia : INR 500 50 USD
Student /Ph.D Scholars : INR 300 25 USD
Please fill the Registration form and the fee can be paid online (NEFT/IMPS) to the below account:
Account Name : SRMIST
Account Number : 117109000032971
IFSC Code : CIUB0000517
Bank Name : City Union Bank
Branch : Ramapuram.
Organizing Committee
Dr.Manimegalai.S (+91 9790948811)
Dr.Priya.G (+91 9025116599)
Dr.G.Rajendran (+91 6383984548)
Assistant Professor (Sr.G)
Department of Biotechnology
College of Science and Humanities
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Ramapuram Campus, Chennai-89, India.
+91 9790720058