Convenor : Dr.S.Meenakshi
Date of the Event: 15.03.2023
The Department of Computer Science And Applications(MCA) Innovation Club organized an Innovative Contest on the topic ‘Digital Marketing’. Both UG and PG students enthusiastically came forward to participate. Students were assigned individual topics by the convenor Dr.S.Meenakshi. They were asked to create posters with Illustrations and Captions in one hour duration. The out come of their work was very surprising in such a way that it showed their innovation talent.The competition was judged by Dr.S.Meenakshi, the convenor of the programme and Ms.Indhumathi , Assistant Professor, MCA Dept.The first three places was won by M.Anirudh, L.Karthikeyan and N.Sadhana of II BCA (Data Science) respectively.