Department of MBA
By conducting an online Discussion on “Green skills for youth towards a sustainable
world” (15/07/2023) Saturday 11:am at virtual mode. Dr.D Anto Pravin Singh gave
an introductory talk about insights of Today’s education era and welcomed the Chief guest
Dr.J.Jerlin Rajan -Assistant professor at Karunya University Coimbatore . Chief guest
Dr.J.Jerlin Rajan addressed the students by giving his introduction and started a ppt
presentation on World youth skills day and followed insights on Green skills for youth towards
a sustainable world. He conveyed that July 15 is celebrated as World Youth Skills day. He
enlightened the importance of education and growth and development of economy. He stressed
the importance and contribution of youth towards the growth of the economy. He specifically
highlighted the economic growth, GDP, Job opportunities employment, unemployment in
different countries.
He also pointed out the government program and initiatives taken by the government
to improve and help the young entrepreneurs. He specifically told about the difference between
Make in India, Made in India,start up India and Stand up India. He also told about challenges
faced by entrepreneurs and roles played by entrepreneur. He gave a deep explanation about
Green skills like how to develop our ecosystem protection. He also gave an introduction about
sustainability and competitive advantage in the current world. He enlightened the importance
of youth skills day and also highlighted the importance of providing skills and developing
opportunities to the youth. He also highlighted the main theme of youth skills day by telling
Skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformation future “.
He then pointed world skills and UNESCO -UNEVOC some key words like
TVET(Technical and vocational education and training . He also gave information about global
no of employee and unemployed. He gave information about objective of economic i.e full
employment, price stability, redistribution of income, stability of BOP. He also mentioned the
types of unemployment like Frictional, structural, cyclical and also he mentioned occupational
classification like Blue collar job,white, pink, black. He also taught about different types of
skills like critical thinking, problem solving, decision making. He also explained about
vocational skills like computer literacy skills, photography skills. He also gave an information
about the 4’Rs and 1 U of sustainability. He then gave an explanation about Green economy
and Green skills mind map and type of pollution. He Visually displayed the images of
successful entrepreneur of India. Program ended by giving vote of thanks by Assistant
professor Dr V. Sivakamy. We the department of MBA whole heartedly thank our management,
Dr. C Sundar, Dean sir and Dr. R Arulmoli, HOD for providing an opportunity to organize a
wonderful program for the betterment of students community on green skills for youth towards
a sustainable world.