SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ramapuram Campus, College of Science and Humanities, Department of Computer Science & Applications (B.Sc CS) organized an Eight Days Faculty Development Program on “ChatGPT & AI tools to Save your Two Hours Time Daily” for B.Sc CS students. The online event took place from 16-06-2023 to 23-06-2023. The program covered various AI tools, including Microsoft Office 365 Web Version, ChatGPT, SlideAi.IO, Designer AI, and Microsoft Designer. Practical demonstrations and hands-on sessions were conducted by Mr. U. Udayakumar, Assistant Professor, and other faculty members. Topics included ChatGPT usage for research, automated data entry with OCR, Excel hacks, PowerPoint hacks, integrating ChatGPT with PowerPoint, and using Education Copilot for lesson planning and content creation. A total of 120 participants attended the program on Zoom, and 48 participants watched it on YouTube. The sessions were interactive, allowing participants to seek clarification of doubts. At the end of the program, participation certificates were distributed to all attendees, who found the entire session highly useful.