Excel Made Easy
Date: 11/6//2021
Time: 10:30 am-12:00 pm
No. of Participants: 101
Description of the Event/Objective:
Objective of this session is to make students realize Excel is very easy to understand and the usage of excel is multifold.Speaker Mr.Dinesh Elaborated the below points:MS Excel has become an integral part of every business now. It is even useful in myriad and innovative ways in the academic world.Let us have a look at how to use MS-Excel effectively in the teaching-learning process.Teachers can use Excel to convert any spreadsheet into a web page and share it with students. This is an effective way of increasing teaching efficiency.Excel can promote visual learning. Using this application, teachers can prepare a graphic presentation of any content. Such a visual representation of content makes it easier for students to remember the lesson.For interpreting any student- or academic-related data, MS-Excel is a great help for teachers and academic staff alike. Excel macro applications are quite useful to perform day-to-day tasks.Excel is highly useful for students as well. They make use of the application to generate graphs and charts. It is now increasingly popular among students for projects etc.Excel can be used to generate a comparative analysis of various data related to school and students.It was an informative session.The session ended with vote of thanks.