MBP on Role of Data Analytics in value addition
Date: 23/2/2019
Time: 10am to 11 AM
Venue: Central Library AV Hall
No. of Participants: 50
Description of the Event/Objective:
School of Management, SRM Institute of Science and Technology organized a Management Development Programme (MDP) on 23/02/2019 on the topic “Role of Data Analytics in value addition“. The programme was scheduled into three sessions and Mr. S.N.Vivek Raj, Faculty, School Management, SRM Institute of Science and Technology was the expert speaker.
Data Analytics is an upcoming discipline and it has been observed that the Individuals with analytics skills are in short supply. Further the Employer demand for analytics talent is projected to intensify in coming years as the amount of data continues to grow in almost all the Industry. On the backdrop of this scenario, School of Management organized a Management Development Program (MDP) on the topic “Role of Data Analytics in value addition” for the professionals from the various sectors
This course was primarily aimed at practitioners who want to learn about state-of-the art analytics through statistical approach and how it can be applied to solve their specific business or research problems. There was an overwhelming response for this program from corporate.
The teaching methodology for this programme was an appropriate mixture of classroom teaching, hands on experiments and Live Case discussions. As the programme was more interactive in nature, the number of participants was restricted to only 20.
Earlier, Dr.C.Sundar, Dean & HOD – MBA and Dr. Helen. P. kavitha , HOD – Chemistry felicitated the programme. Dr.R.Punniyamoorthy and Mr.S.Ramanathan, Faculty, School of Management delivered the welcome note and vote of thanks respectively