Legacy Links (L-Square 1.0) Alumni Meet 2k24: Final Report

Date: May 18th, 2024

Venue: TRP Auditorium, SRM Group of Institutions, Ramapuram, Chennai

Introduction: The Legacy Links Alumni Meet 2k24, organized by the Alumni Coordinators of SRM Group of Institutions, Ramapuram, Chennai, was a nostalgic journey back in time for former students, a celebration of achievements, and an opportunity for networking and reminiscing. The event was graced by distinguished alumni, faculty members, and current students. A total number of participants for the event were 375 students.

Key Highlights:

  • The event commenced with a warm Welcome Address by the Dean, setting the tone for the
  • Lighting of Kuththuvilakku symbolized the enlightenment and unity among the
  • Special Addresses by the Dean (Alumni) and the Presidential Address by the Associate Director emphasized the significance of alumni engagement and
  • Alumni Guest Talks provided valuable insights and inspiration from accomplished
  • Cultural Events added vibrancy to the atmosphere, showcasing the talent and diversity of campus
  • The Vote of Thanks expressed gratitude to all participants for their contributions to the success of the event.



Mr. Ravi Shankar J

  • Ravi Shankar J, an esteemed alumni who completed his Master of Computer Applications (MCA) from SRM Group of Institutions during the years 2013- 2016, graced the occasion as one of the distinguished alumni guests.
  • Currently serving as the Lead Operations Processor at Wells Fargo Intl. Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai, Mr. Ravi Shankar J brought a wealth of industry experience and expertise to the event.
  • His presence served as an inspiration to current students and fellow alumni, highlighting the potential for success and career growth that stems from the educational foundation provided by SRM Group of

Ms. Madhu Priya U

  • Madhu Priya U, another distinguished alumni, completed her Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) from SRM Group of Institutions during the years 2015-2018.
  • She is recognized as an Entrepreneur, known for her venture, Spotlight, based in
  • Madhu Priya U’s entrepreneurial journey and achievements served as a source of motivation and empowerment for the attendees, showcasing the diverse paths to success that SRM alumni pursue.

Mr. Sanjay M

  • Sanjay M, talented alumni who completed his Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication (B.Sc Viscom) from SRM Group of Institutions during the years 2018-2021, graced the event with his presence.
  • He is renowned as a Music Composer, notably recognized for his work in the movie “Oru Nodi”.
  • Sanjay M’s creative accomplishments and artistic contributions resonated with the audience, highlighting the multifaceted talents nurtured by SRM Group of Institutions


 Dr. S. Usha Menon, Dean- Alumni Affairs Dr. S. Usha Menon, the Dean of Alumni Affairs at SRM Group of Institutions, Ramapuram, Chennai, played a pivotal role as one of the distinguished presiding figures at the Alumni Meet. Dr. Menon’s dedication to fostering strong alumni relations and her passion for nurturing the bonds between past and present members of the institution were evident throughout the event. Her presence added a sense of warmth and inclusivity, creating an atmosphere conducive to meaningful interactions and connections.


Maj. Dr. M. Venkatramanan Major Dr. M. Venkatramanan, esteemed member of the faculty, served as one of the felicitators during the Legacy Links (L-Square 1.0) Alumni Meet 2k24. With his distinguished military background and academic expertise, Major Dr. Venkatramanan added a sense of honor and dignity to the proceedings. His presence was a testament to the institution’s commitment to excellence and service, inspiring both alumni and students alike.


Dr. J. Dhilipan, VP-Admin Dr. J. Dhilipan, Vice President-Administration, played a pivotal role as a felicitator, representing the administrative leadership of SRM Group of Institutions, Ramapuram, Chennai. His presence underscored the institution’s dedication to fostering meaningful connections between alumni, faculty, and students. Dr. Dhilipan’s words of encouragement and appreciation resonated with the audience, reinforcing the importance of alumni engagement in shaping the future of the institution.


4:30 PM: Welcome Address by Dean (S&H)

The event commenced with a warm and welcoming address by the Dean of School of Humanities, setting a positive tone for the evening. The Dean extended heartfelt greetings to all the attendees, including distinguished alumni, faculty members, and current students, emphasizing the significance of the occasion in fostering connections and celebrating shared memories.

4:35 PM: Lighting of Kuththuvilakku

Following the Welcome Address, a ceremonial lighting of the Kuththuvilakku took place, symbolizing enlightenment, unity, and auspicious beginnings. This traditional ritual added a cultural touch to the event, resonating with the heritage and values of the institution.

4:40 PM: Special Address by Dean (Alumni)

The Dean of Alumni Affairs took the stage to deliver a special address, highlighting the importance of alumni engagement and the enduring bond between the alma mater and its graduates. The address served as a reminder of the contributions and achievements of alumni, inspiring current students to follow in their footsteps.


4:50 PM: Alumni Guest Talks by Mr. Ravi Shankar J, Ms. Madhu Priya U, Mr.Sanjay M 

Distinguished alumni, Mr. Ravi Shankar J, Ms. Madhu Priya U, and Mr. Sanjay M, took the stage to share their experiences, insights, and success stories with the audience. Their inspiring talks resonated with the attendees, offering valuable lessons and perspectives from their respective fields of expertise.


5:30 PM: Cultural Events Showcasing Campus Life

The event transitioned into an exciting showcase of cultural events, highlighting the vibrant and diverse campus life of SRM Group of Institutions, Ramapuram, Chennai. Students enthralled the audience with performances ranging from dance, music, drama, and other artistic expressions, captivating everyone present.


6:00 PM: Vote of Thanks by Alumni Coordinator

The event concluded with a heartfelt vote of thanks by the Alumni Coordinator, expressing gratitude to all the participants, organizers, volunteers, and sponsors who contributed to the success of the Alumni Meet. The vote of thanks underscored the spirit of unity, collaboration, and pride among the alumni community.


The Legacy Links (L-Square 1.0) Alumni Meet 2k24 was an extraordinary success, blending nostalgia with inspiration and providing a vibrant platform for alumni to celebrate their shared heritage, accomplishments, and the enduring spirit of SRM Group of Institutions, Ramapuram, Chennai.

The event concluded with echoes of laughter and camaraderie, promising continued bonds and collaborations among the alumni community. It was a memorable occasion filled with camaraderie, inspiration, and nostalgia, reaffirming the enduring legacy and values of the institution.

The felicitators, Maj. Dr. M. Venkatramanan and Dr. J. Dhilipan, added gravitas and prestige to the Alumni Meet. Their presence and words of encouragement underscored the institution’s commitment to fostering a strong bond between the alma mater and its alumni.

The distinguished presiding figures Dr. S. Usha Menon, further elevated the event with their leadership and vision. Their contributions were instrumental in making the Alumni Meet a resounding success, inspiring attendees to uphold the spirit of camaraderie, excellence, and lifelong learning.

Additionally, the presence of Mr. Ravi Shankar J, Ms. Madhu Priya U, and Mr. Sanjay M as distinguished alumni guests enriched the event, showcasing the diverse achievements and journeys of SRM alumni. Their participation served as a reminder of the institution’s enduring impact and the strong bonds that characterize the alumni network.


Overall, the Legacy Links (L-Square 1.0) Alumni Meet 2k24 was a testament to the collective strength and spirit of the SRM alumni community, fostering connections, celebrating achievements, and inspiring future generations to continue the legacy of excellence.