The Department of Chemistry at the Ramapuram campus is focused on imparting knowledge in the applied aspects of Chemistry to the budding engineers through quality teaching, besides promoting research activities and consultancy. Highly qualified and dedicated faculty members are the backbone of the Department. All the faculty members of the Department are keen in publishing research papers in reputed journals. The Department has one research project funded by DST-Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India and four projects funded by SRM IST to the tune of more than 25 Lakhs. Department offers Ph.D programme and research scholars are actively involved in research. Faculty Members have published 80 papers in SCI/SCOPUS Indexed Journals in the last 5 years. The Department also has tie-ups with recognized institutions and R&D Laboratories for research activities. The specializations of the faculties are Organic synthesis, Nanomaterials Synthesis, Crystal Structure Solving, Theoretical Chemistry, Docking Studies, Computational Studies, Polymer Synthesis, Effluent Treatment, Dye Degradation, Photocatalytic activities etc.
- To nurture enthusiasm, interests and passion, in the study of chemistry, in professional courses, as a part of curricula.
- To carry out research activities with a team of highly talented and inquisitive researchers.
- To innovate for a social cause.
- Our Department is keen in sharing of research knowledge among the scientific community. To ensure our objective, the Department organizes National and International Conferences in regular intervals of time. So far we have organized One International Conference and four National Conferences funded by ACT, RSC, SACSE. We are organizing an International Conference on Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences Including Green Chemistry (MTCSGC-2018) during 27 th -29 th December 2018.
- In order to promote scientific temper among the school students and to encourage them to choose chemistry as their career, we organize many workshops for the school students. We do celebrate National Science Day, National Chemistry Day, World environment day every year conducting various competitions and Project contests to kindle their interest towards science and chemistry in particular.
- Using ICT techniques and research based pedagogy in teaching is the need of the hour. Realizing this, our Department organizes Workshops for both school and College teachers. Recently we have organized a Workshop on Research Based Pedagogical Tools (RBPT’s) for college teachers in association with IISER, Pune funded by DBT.
- Updating knowledge is very important for all faculty members for effective class room teaching and research. All our faculty members are pursuing online courses MOOC/NPTEL. In 2017, eleven faculty members got Elite Certificate for NPTEL Online Courses in Metal mediated Synthesis and Bio electrochemistry..
- To ignite the young minds and discover their talents by the use of modern educational technology in lecture and laboratory classes.
- To promote outreach programs to students and educators.
- To promote the development of innovative interdisciplinary research programs.
- To contribute to the improvement of scientific awareness via academic conferences, popularization workshops, seminars etc.,