Placement Record

2021-2024 YOP Placement statistics

Number of offers: 411*
Number of Students placed:  335*

Number of companies visited: 200*+

CTC Details:

Range CTC
Highest CTC 24.9 LPA
Average CTC 3.15 LPA
Lowest CTC 2.16 LPA

Category wise:

Category Offers Received
Marquee (>20 LPA) 1
Super dream (10.0-19.9 LPA) 1
Dream (5.0 -9.9 LPA) 70
Below 5LPA 339
Total 411

Companies visited with high package:

Company visited CTC in LPA
CommVault 32.7
Peroptyx 24.9
Ui Path 17.03 LPA
Micron Technologies 13.26
Barclays 11.75
Latentview Analytics 10.75

Highest package companies:

Company CTC in LPA  

Number of offers

Peroptyx 24.9 1
Barclays 11.75 1
DevTown 8 4