Department of Computer Science and Applications (MCA)
Hands-on Workshop
Data to Fish: TUNA
Date: 03.04.2023
Time: 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Venue: Block V – 3rd Floor Computer Lab
Resource Person:
Mr. Samuel Ricard
Associate Manager
Latentview Analytics, Chennai
Dr JDhilipan Head, Dept of MCA, VP Admin welcomed Resource Person Mr. Samuel Richard, Associate Manager, LatentView Technology, Chennai and the participants of the workshop.
Mr.Samuel Richard started the session by the posting basic level questions to understand the knowledge level/requirements of audience and accordingly took over the session
Linked the TUNA fish with Datascience by mentioning Expansion of TUNA, T- Turbulent, U-Uncertain, N- Novel and A – Ambitious.
Using data to fish, earn, business with TUNA Conditions
A Day in Data, Idea behind Datascience, Data is Every Where.
Growth of Data VS Growth Data Analysts
Holistic Approach to Data Science, From Data Acquisition to Data Preservation.
Explained the importance of Math and Statistics with Money Ball Movie and IPL.
Datascience Applications and Problems, how to address those issues
He also emphasised an importance of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques.
Discussed about the survey taken to find the bridge between the students, Institution and Industry
Employment of Indian Graduates with statistical data
Provided the glimpses of Datascience Research Areas
Data Literacy – Descriptive, Diagnostics, – Skill Gap – Predictive and Prescriptive
He also emphasised the importance of Python Tensorflow and VS code.
Then the entire session was opened to the audience for clarification of their doubts
Workshop was very useful and all participants got benifited through the same.
It was a great Eyeopner for the young and dynamic developers.
Dr S umashankari, Assistant Professor-MCA proposed the vote of thanks to the chief guest for his valuable presence and technical session