Bioconjugation of Therapeutic Enzyme<
The Department ofBiotechnology conducted a one day webinar on 25.05.2020 titled ‘Bioconjugation of Therapeutic Enzyme’ forUG/PG students, research scholars and teaching fraternity.The Resource person, Dr. P.E. Jagadeeshbabu, Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, NITK, Surathkal spoke on Gout arthritis disease, he explained the background of the disease its effects and current treatment methods. Later, he explained about the methods of bioconjugation of enzymes for the treatment of inflammatory arthritis and finally, the session ended with the information regarding the studies to be carried out for the successful delivery of enzyme.The online session was attended by around 150 participants from various institutions.The presentation was followed by a Q & A session.The webinar was convened by Dr. T. Sekar, HOD/Biotechnology and well-coordinated by the faculty members Dr. S. Suresh, Assistant Professor and Dr. A. Rajasekar, Assistant Professor.E-certificates were mailed to all the participants.
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